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학원E업소 > LA/남가주 > 전체
224 N. Serrano Ave.
LA , CA 90004
  사진을 클릭하시면 더 자세히 보실수 있습니다. (총 7개의 사진정보가 있습니다.)

Beverly Christian School bases its teaching philosophy on Christian values to help improve the physical, social and
intellectual development of all preschool children. We set our goals to also help the working parents and to render services for the betterment of our community.

* Children must be at least 2.5years old not have entered kimdergarten yet.
* Children must be potty trained.

1. Christian Mind
Self-Confidence and Love and Card for one another.
2. Expression through Speech, ART, and Behavior.
3. Strong Academic Foundation
(Learning through games, songs, dance, ART and Academic curriculum).

* Monday thru Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

1. Oral Expression and Speech
2. Language Arts
3. Group and Individual Creative Activities
4. Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Critical Thinking
5. Music, Arts, and Movement
6. Bible Stories
7. Audio-visual Education

* Morning Snack (9:00 a.m.~9:30 a.m.)
* Hot Lunch (12:00 p.m.~1:00 p.m.)
* Afternoon Snack (3:30 p.m.~4:00 p.m.)
* Food is delivered fresh everyday by a catering service and is distributed to the children by teachers.

* All children are required to submit the physician's report and an up to date California School Immunization Record.
* A child who has cold, sore throats or fever has to stay at home for the protection of the group.
In case of an emergency, the director should take the child to an emergency hospital, so the parents need to sign the emergency release form.

* If you change your address and telephone number, report the new information immediately.
* Notify the school immediately if your child will be absent.
* If your child should take a leave of absence from the school, you must notify the director at least one month in advance.

New Year's Day----------------------------------Jan. 1~2
Martin Luther King's Birthday----------Third Mon. in Jan.
George Washington's Birthday-----------Third Mon. in Feb.
Good Friday-------------------------Third Friday in March
Memorial Day-----------------------------Last Mon. in May
Independence Day---------------------------------July 4th
Labor Day------------------------------First Mon. in Sept.
Veteran's Day-------------------------------November 11th
Thanksgiving Day----------------Fourth Thurs.&Fri. in Nov.
Christmas break----------------------Dec. 24th, Dec. 25th
The School can extend the holidays on Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and the close of a term because of no vacation.

* Our School's goal of discipline is to establish a positive relationship between the teachers and the children.
* If a child behavior interferes with other classmates' learning and refuses to follow directions:
1. First time: Teacher will explain to the child why his/her behavior is unacceptable and what he/she supposed to do in that particular moment.
2. If the child refuses to follow directions repeatedly, time out about 5 minutes(Thinking Chair etc.)
3. If the child's behavior doesn't improve after taking the steps stated above, then his/her parents will be contracted for a conference with director and will discuss the importance of progress in behavior and discipline in school and home.
4. If problem behavior continues, the school will have no choice but to expell the student.

오시는 길: 지도를 더블 클릭 하면 확대해서 보실 수 있습니다.

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